Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Self Portrait!

Whee! Here I am, just about to go to work. I'm absolutely thrilled about it, can't you tell? I think more than anything, what you can tell is that I'm in desperate need of a haircut and dyejob. Yikes.

Anyway, I know you are dying to see my reading list (actually, reading stack, as I actually have all these sitting around waiting for me to get my ass off the internet and read them):

I am about halfway through this. If you've read her blog, this is pretty much the same - funny as hell.

This is the only other one I've actually started reading. It's quite interesting, a fairly complicated concept, but I studied the idea in one of my MBA classes and wanted to learn more. I think this one will take awhile to get through.

More fun knitting books... :)

Got this one in the mail from C's aunt last week (love her!) and can't wait to read it. This will probably make me even more impatient to go to Italy!

I bought C these for his birthday and he went through them in just a few days...the intent was for him to read them during his train commute, but I think he was done with them before the weekend was over. Anyway, I'm very curious to read them myself.

I definitely need to get through this one. There's an election in a few months!!!

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